Ear Candling

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The healing method now called ear candlinghas been around for centuries.Many nations have used the method for thousands of years.
The ancient Egyptians employed reeds in this technique.Native Americans have also done ear candling using cornhusks, dipping them in beewax to make a hollow candle.The process was also known in ancient India, Tibet, and in the Aztec culture.

Ear Candling was originally used for purification

prior to or as part of ancient rites of initiation. Ear Candling was used to assist in opening the body’s spiritual centers, thus cleaning and cleansing the spiritual body through the physical. In fact, it is still believed by some that the ear candling process can break up blockages in the subtle energy system and the subconscious where repressed emotions and memories can lie hidden from the conscious mind, causing mind, causing degenerative disease. (Detailed in “The Metaphysical Applications of Ear Candles”).
The process is still being passed down in many centers of traditional medicine and, with the recent increased interest in traditional medicine, has lately been gaining general popularity
Ears Are for Hearing and Balance:
Your ears are organs for hearing and balance. Sound waves enter the outer-ear canal and strike the eardrum, making it vibrate. The vibrations are transmitted through the three small bones of the middle ear (the ossicles) to the cochlea in the inner ear. Sensory impulses pass to the brain via the auditory nerve. The semi-circular canals help you keep your balance. blank
What you can expect during and after the Ear Candling session
During the Ear Candling session, you will only feel the candle being carefully inserted in your ear. You may hear some cracking and popping when ear wax is being loosened. Just relax and enjoy the face and neck massage done during the Ear candling session.If the patron has excessive hearing loss, they may feel more heat during the Ear Candling session since their felling senses are keener. If the heat becomes uncomfortable, at your request, the Ear Candler will stop the procedure and continue when you feel it is appropriate.After the Ear Candling session, you may feel lightness in your head and noises may appear to be much louder to your ears. This can be relieved by putting a little ear oil on some cotton and inserting it in the ears. You will find that your hearing has improved as most likely, the blockage of wax gone.You may feel warmth or itching in the ears. This can be relived by putting a drop of two of Hydrogen Peroxide in the ears for a day or two after the Candling session, then wipe them out with a cotton swab. The Hydrogen Peroxide will continue to clean the ears and the itching will stop. You may use this same procedure with Echinacea liquid or Colloidal Silver instead of Hydrogen Peroxide.You may find your sinuses are draining or the drainage has increased. This will relive the pressure in your sinus areas and sinus headaches should decrease. The senses of taste, smell and sight may also be increased.Twice a year we all have our teeth cleaned to keep our mouths healthy. Why not keep our ears healthy with an Ear Candling session? Use your own judgment as to how often you need or have Ear Candling session.This is an Old Home Remedy and no claim is made for any cure of any disease or ailment.

Questions and Answers

1. Does it hurt?
NO. There is absolutely no discomfort. This is one of the most soothing therapies that can be performed. Some people become so relaxed that even fall asleep. This treatment is safe, painless and very effective.
2. Can I do this on myself?
Due to the complexity of the massage technique and the fire burning, it is advisable that you have someone assist you.
3. Why hasn’t there been anything written on Ear Candling?
This process has been lost to common knowledge for many years and only a small but growing number of people know it is was originally used. Most doctors won’t use Ear Candling because they don’t believe it. Instead, they will wash your ears out insert Tympanotomy tubs in the ears. If they would look at the residue that comes out of the ears from Ear Candling and take that material and put it under a microscope, they would see it is living and active. It is the same substance they are attempting to remove. Laboratory analysis has shown the residue removed by Ear Candling consisted of ear wax, residuals of past infections fungus, bacteria, yeast/Candida, ear mites, worms, parasites of hair. Ear Candling is considered an OLD HOME REMEDY. True, it is not cure-all, but in many cases, it has proven to be a successful and economic alternative.
4. How long is an Ear Candling session?
Approximately one hour. It usually takes 10 to 15 minutes for each candle to burn down to approximately 3 ½-4 inches using two candles in each ear.
5. At what age can Ear Candling be administered?
It can be performed on the very young through the elderly. *A three month old baby had a severe infection. Half of a candle was used and all the pain was relieved. At the start, it was like water expelling up the candle. *Due to hearing loss, a 105 year old woman had to give up visiting friends and neighbors, her only joy in life. After having her ears candled, she was back to visiting. The blockage was caused by heavy ear wax.
6. How many Ear Candles can be used per session?
When Candling a very young child, ½ to 1 Ear Candle per is all that is needed. Two Ear Candles per ear is the minimum in a session. Never exceed four Candles per ear in any one Candling session as the ear canal may get irritated and become swollen.
7. How often can an Individual be candled?
A person with A severe pain can be Candled three times (2 candles per ear) 48 hours apart. The better ear is Candled first and the problematic ear last. Candling isn’t just for removing ear wax. Other symptoms and ailments ca be relieved by using the Candling process as close together as 3 times within 10 days, over the course of 3 weeks. Do not Candle more than 3 times in 10 days. It takes the ears about twenty-four hours to replace their protective coating of wax if it has been removed; therefore, it is NOT advisable to do Ear Candling every day. Ear maintenance can be done with the change of seasons, once or twice a year, or whenever needed. This has to be an individual decision.
8. Can I use candles in the nose or other parts of the body?
We highly recommend that candles be used only in the ears. However, we have found that by placing a candle into the plate guard or a piece of bread or toast then lighting the Candle and placing it on top of the navel of person with a stomach ache-they have noted a definite relief from pain in that area. We have also tried this procedure on the lower abdomen area when women experienced menstrual cramping; they also noted a definite relief from that discomfort.
9. Who benefits most from Ear Candling?
Any person of any age.
10. Can both ears be candled at the same time?
We do not recommend it. There are Ear Candles on the market that are curved and made just for that purpose. It also takes a very experienced Ear Candler to use those candles and they don’t seem to give the desired results as when one ear is cleaned at a time. Also, the massage of the face and neck can not be done when doing both ears so my answer will remain a “NO” to this question.
11. Are there people who should not be candled?
Yes. People who have had recent ear, nose, throat, or sinus surgery of any kind, have tubes in their ears or experience any bleeding. Bleeding denotes serious ear problems such as a punctured ear drum and should always be referred to a Doctor.
“This facility does not claim to cure or treat any condition or disease”