How to Prepare for Colon Hydrotherapy:

Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out your paperwork (unless you choose to do at home). Upon completion we will spend time talking, reviewing your health history,answering questions, and making sure that you feel comfortable before getting started.

Please prepare the day before your session by drinking at least a half-ounce of water per day per pound of body weight. (A 120 lb. adult should drink at least 60 fl. Oz. of water daily, half a gallon.) so that you will be hydrated for your session. Eathealthy and nourishing foods the day of your session unless you are fasting. Eating a meal two to four hours before your colonic is ideal, but no food or beverage should be consumed in the two hours before your appointment. You are in the process of taking care of yourself so allow for the time and space you need to be in a calm state of mind. Your body responds best to treatment when it is relaxed. Deep breathing, laughing, exercising, soothing music and a positive,supportive environment will all be helpful. 

If time permits and you wish to go few steps further in preparation for your session, there are number of additional measures you can take to prepare for an excellent session. The following is voluntary on your part, and it is not required. 

Drink 16 to 32 ounces of raw vegetable juice daily. Even if you do not have an appointment scheduled with us, we would recommend that you do this. Raw veggie juice goes to work to help scrub your cells squeaky clean like soap does for us externally. A colonic is like the shower that rinses the released toxins out of the body and away from our internal lining. Drinking the raw veggie juice prior to your colonic helps loosen wastes in the body and starts the cleansing process in advance.

Follow up Diet after getting a Colon Hydrotherapy session?

Following large intestinal cleansing, the body may feel weary or relaxed. This is simply your body working out
and processing through its cleaning period; so, proper rest is important for your body to recuperate and
rejuvenate. After receiving colon hydrotherapy, for best results:
Drink plenty of liquids (distilled water, juices, herb teas, and electrolyte liquids (Please click on Health
Tips page for recipe). Eat light foods for 24 hours after the procedure. Vegetable soups are
Avoid eating raw vegetables for a few days. Steamed vegetables and raw fruits are sufficient — chew
Reduce flesh consumption. (Especially beef, pork, and chicken)


“This facility does not claim to cure or treat any condition or disease”