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BMI Calculator


Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
Select your weight and height. Click on “Calculate” to get your results.

“One Must Eat To Live. Not Live to Eat”

Weight loss is about much more than dropping pounds. Just ask anyone who has successfully lost weight, only to find himself for herself fighting those same pounds a few months or years later. Clearly the nuts and bolts of weight loss – eating habits and exercise – require a physical commitment. But lasting, successful weight loss involves a powerful emotional component as well.

Developing a healthy attitude toward our bodies, our weight and food can be quite challenging today’s society. On one hand, food is a major element of just about every social gathering and occasion. We celebrate with food, fight stress with food, we even mourn with food. On the other hand, the media constantly presents us with impossible body ideals that are unrealistic and even unhealthy for the vast majority of us. Air brushing, Photoshop and other tricks of the trade allow models and celebrities to appear thinner than they are in real life, giving us the perception that we too can and should strive for that appearance. Even Barbie, the famous doll, is way out of proportion.

Where does this leave us? For some it can be an emotional dependence on the wrong kinds of food. For other, a negative image of our bodies and false hope in getting thin without too much effort. More importantly, now that you’ve made the physical commitment to find a healthier you, how do you make the emotional commitment?

A good place to start is by finding your motivation. Are you losing weight to look better? To fit into a swimsuit before an upcoming cruise or reunion? To provide a healthier example to your children? To combat Type 2 diabetes? To save money on your medical bills? The stronger, more meaningful and realistic your motivation, the more likely you’ll succeed with your program. For that reason, those who are motivated by health tend to make lasting changes more than those who are motivated by magazines or social events. Weight-loss experts encourage accepting yourself to be the best you can be.

If you are one of the millions with “lose weight” on your New Year’s resolutions list this year, resolve something new: resolve to love yourself no matter what, and then plan the lifestyle changes toward a healthier body.

When beginning a weight –loss journey, be prepared to think long-term. Many weight-loss centers ban the use of the ward “diet” because it tends to be associated eating plans. Rather than focusing on a ‘diet” commit yourself to learning about what changes are necessary to fuel and nourish your body with healthful foods. It’s amazing what a simple change in mindset can do. The exact same nutrition program can be viewed by one person as a diet and another as a lifestyle change. Can you guess who will see greater success?


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